Low Budget Travel – Spring Break Vacations for Canadians

February 21, 2018 | Category:

Spring Break Vacations

Spring Break Vacations smSpring Break vacations are the perfect getaway — the weather is cold and long in Canada, the kids are out of school, and everyone you know is posting fabulous holiday pictures on social media. You want to travel too, but you also don’t want to rack up your debt. You can have your vacation without breaking the bank.

Our top picks for low-budget travel destinations:

  1. Lisbon, Portugal

Accommodation can be found for as little as $75 per night and the city has an affordable transportation system — two of the biggest costs most travellers deal with. There is the cost of the flight to consider, but if you book early enough there are great deals to be had.

  1. Bangkok, Thailand

Cheap food is the norm and the transit system won’t rack up dollars either. It can be tricky to find affordable accommodation in peak travel times, but it can be done — and you’ll likely have some funds leftover for massages, pedicures, and other spa treatments.

  1. Budapest, Hungary

If you’re looking for a European vacation, Eastern Europe is generally more affordable than the more popular western destinations, such as London or France. Most attractions cost less than $10 and the food is affordable, too. You’ll also get to see sights that you haven’t already seen plastered all over your Facebook page.

  1. Morocco

Marrakech was named TripAdvisor’s number one destination in 2015. It has affordable food and affordable accommodation, and there’s a lot to see and do for low-budget travel.

  1. Peru

Visit the site of Machu Piccu, lounge on the beach, and explore the Amazonian rainforest. There’s a lot to do in Peru, and it won’t cost you big bucks to see it.

  1. Travel Canada

If you don’t have to fly to get there (in-country flights can be expensive in Canada) you can see a lot right outside your door. Take a road trip to Quebec City or Charlottetown, or head to Banff for a few days.

  1. Take a Staycation.

If a getaway really isn’t in your budget, bring the travel to you. Explore local attractions in your hometown — try eating at a restaurant you’ve never been to before or make an exotic meal at home. It may not be paradise, but having fun on vacation is more about the people you’re with than anything else — and you’ll get to avoid those long lines at the airport.

If you want spring break vacations that take you out of the country, but aren’t sure you have all the funds you need, Prudent Financial can help you obtain vacation financing that doesn’t leave you struggling to pay and dealing with impacts to your credit once you return from your holiday. Contact us today at www.prudentfinancial.net or 416-223-9300.

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