Smart Money Club: New Year’s Resolution = Tips for Saving Money at Home

January 18, 2016 | Category: , ,

saving money at home

prudent1We are well into 2016 now, and if your New Year’s resolution revolved around saving money at home, we hope things have gone well so far! If they have, awesome, but if you’re having a little trouble, we’ve compiled a list of a bunch of ways to help you save money at home, easily!

Tips for saving money at home:

  1. Establish a budget and stick to it. If you want to save, make sure to add a category for that.
  2. Start a saving jar. There are a variety of different ways to ensure the jar is filled up, including adding a set amount each day, or each week. Find a way that works for you – just be sure to keep your hands out of the jar!
  3. Pack your lunch. Eating out every day can really hit you and your wallet hard, not to mention your waistline. Packing a lunch is an easy way to deal with both!
  4. Make the dollar store your go-to store for household goods. Buying staples such as cleaning supplies, soap, even paper towel and toilet paper at the dollar store versus the supermarket can save a ton!
  5. Get the Flipp app. This is a great app that gives you all of the flyers in your area and lets you clip virtual coupons. Once you’ve clipped them, you can easily pull them up for price-matching!
  6. Make your own coffee. We know, it is so nice to have someone else make it for you, especially if you are into specialty coffees, but over time the cost of these morning pick-me-ups adds up!
  7. Turn off the lights. We know you’ve heard it before, but being diligent can really help keep energy costs down.
  8. Organize and use your pantry. It really pays to know what you already have, meaning you don’t purchase it again, and it also helps ensure due dates are not missed.
  9. Close closet doors. This will help you save on energy and heating costs because you are needlessly heating and cooling closet space.
  10. Tune out the take-out. Sure it is always easier to pick up than to make at home, but that take out is likely costing you more than it is worth, especially if you order it on a regular basis. Instead, consider it a treat rather than a convenience and try to limit it to once or twice a month.

When it comes to saving money at home, there are a variety of ways you can do it – sometimes you just need the right motivation or the tips right in front of you! We hope these help – good luck!

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