Smart Money Club: Winter Budget Planning: Fun Winter Activities That You Can Do on A Budget

October 24, 2016 | Category:


rsz_winter_funWinter is just around the corner, and that means that the snow and cold weather are on their way too. As the days get shorter and we spend more time inside, it can be hard to find things to do for fun that don’t cost a lot. The goal of this blog is to rectify that. Here are a ton of fun winter activities that you can do on a budget – get ready for winter budget planning!

Winter fun on a budget – the ultimate checklist:

  • Download a free geocaching app and head out to the trails. This is not only fun; it is great exercise for the whole family.
  • Take advantage of the public skating rinks in your area – Toronto has 50 city-run artificial outdoor rinks – more free skating surfaces than any other city on Earth.
  • Head out on a pinecone hunt and turn that collection into a work of art. There are a ton of ideas on Pinterest!
  • Grab a magic carpet from the dollar store and head to the local toboggan hill for an afternoon of laughs.
  • Head to the library and stock up – and don’t forget that most have an impressive collection of movies too!
  • Instead of a spring clean, do a winter one – less fun, we know, but you will feel awesome after you’re done.
  • Pile on the snow gear and head outside to build a snowman, a snow fort or have a snowball fight.
  • Check out the local thrift store for great deals on games and arts and crafts supplies. While you’re there, drop off anything you cleaned out during your winter clean.
  • Get the house ready by decorating for the holidays.
  • Pop some popcorn and veg out for a good old fashioned movie marathon.
  • Pack a picnic and head out for a winter hike.

While it can sometimes be a bit more difficult to stay active and busy during the winter without spending a lot of dough, a little creative thinking can keep you and the rest of the family occupied.

Have any other great ideas for fun winter activities you can do on a budget? Share them at

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